Unwrapping Chronic Pain – Part 1

Unwrapping Chronic Pain - Part 1

1 in 5 Aussies live with chronic or persistent pain. It’s complex, difficult, debilitating, costs our nation billions of dollars a year, and there isn’t a straightforward easy way out of it.  BUT that’s not the end of the story.  You can overcome chronic pain. I will try and unwrap some information around persistent pain […]

Physio for surfers

Physio for surfers

How to stay wet, barrelled and happy surfing pain-free for as long as possible If you’re anything like me, you often go to sleep at night dreaming of surfing uncrowded, perfect A-frame waves rolling in. Of the 37 million surfers worldwide who go in search of such perfect waves and uncrowded lines ups each year, […]

The New Normal in the Digital Age

The New Normal in the Digital Age

As a health professional and a parent, I thought the beginning of the school year was a good time to go over some healthy media habits that will protect children’s vision, hearing and musculoskeletal development. Screens are here to stay so we need to interact with them in the most comfortable and beneficial way, the […]

Lumps, Rashes and Massage

Rashes and lumps and massage

What happens if you have a lump or rash on your body and you want to have a massage? In fact, there are lots of different lumps or skin conditions that can occur,  here are a few common ones: Ganglion cyst – a non-cancerous lump usually on tendons and joint areas like hands, wrists and feet. […]

Is it okay for kids to lift weights?

Is it okay for kids to lift weights

Calling all super parents! Are you always trying to give your child the edge in whatever sport they compete in? Have you considered weight training or strength training? If you answered no because you believe it’s ‘bad’ for kids then maybe reconsider and read on to be informed about how it could be beneficial for […]

Are you ready to return to sport after ACL reconstruction?

Are you ready to return to sport after ACL reconstruction

Returning to sport is one of the main reasons why people with ACL injury choose to go undergo ACL reconstruction surgery. However, undergoing surgery does not guarantee return to sport, with only 65% of people who have ACL reconstruction getting back to their same level of sport. And, for those who do get back to […]

Prostate Health and Incontinence Training (PHIT)

Prostate Health and Incontinence Training (PHIT)

It is estimated that 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Radical prostatectomy is the most common therapy for prostate cancer. Another common prostate cancer therapy is androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) which reduces the amount of testosterone produced.  These prostate cancer therapies can be effective in treating the cancer […]

Is running bad for my knees?

Ever since I can remember I have heard mixed messages about running and what it does for our knees. I can recall a coach yelling at me as a youngster for running on the cement when there was perfectly good grass less than a metre away. Had I been a fool, or did it not […]

Hamstring Rehabilitation exercises

As recently discussed, hamstring injuries are one of the most common injuries to occur in sport. As these have a high recurrence rate it is vital that as physiotherapists we get people back to their activity as soon as we can but, also limit the chances of injuring the hamstrings again. There are 2 ways […]

Hamstring Strains

Hamstring strains

Hamstring strain injuries are one of the most common injuries in running sports and can take anywhere from two to six weeks or more to heal depending on the degree of injury. It is important to rehabilitate hamstring strains well after injury, as they have a high recurrence rate and can become problematic for some […]