Strength and Conditioning Classes
Strength training is for everyone and the list of its benefits is long. Join us today!
GLA:D Classes for Osteoarthritis
GLA:D®, Good Life with osteoArthritis: from Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.
Prostate Health and Incontinence Training (PHIT).
Bone Building/ONERO™
Do you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia? Our bones are living tissue and constantly remodelling through our life. Osteoporosis or porous bone, is a disease whereby bone resorption is higher than the bone deposition reducing the bone’s density and quality, leaving it brittle and thus at greater risk of fracture. There are often no symptoms of […]
Core Control/Clinical Pilates
Core Control offers many benefits over traditional gym strengthening including increased muscle tone, strength, flexibility and improved overall mobility and movement control.
Pelvic Floor Exercise Class
Classes follow a set structure that progresses over the 10 weeks. 8 Participants max per class.
Strength and Balance Classes
Our strength and balance classes offer a safe and enjoyable form of exercise specifically designed to prevent falls.