Burleigh 07 5535 5218   Broadbeach 07 5539 8830

Pregnancy Inservice for Burleigh & Broadbeach Physio

In March Natali Zantvoort presented to Burleigh Heads staff about current physiotherapy in women’s health. pregnant-735393_1920

Natali recently completed a 5 day intensive women’s health course in Sydney and spoke particularly to the physios about back and pelvic girdle (sacroiliac and pubic symphysis) pain during pregnancy.

She discussed common findings with pregnancy related pain and gave tips to help accurate diagnosis of pain arising from the spine versus the pelvic girdle. Good diagnosis helps physios provide more effective treatment and also provides patients with realistic information regarding the prognosis of their symptoms. In many cases pregnancy related spinal and pelvic girdle pain settles during pregnancy, but sometimes it can persist. With good assessment and treatment, symptoms can be well managed. Physiotherapists had the opportunity to practice some useful new assessment and treatment techniques for pregnant women.

We look forward to a future presentation about post natal physiotherapy including management of rectus abdominis diastasis (tummy muscle separation) and returning to exercise after pregnancy.

Gold Coast Physiotherapy and Allied Health at Burleigh Heads and Broadbeach 


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